TEA ALVEUS – a symphony of feelings!
We create a unique composition for enjoying the finest treasures of nature. Every day, we are collecting with love the largest variety of organic teas in the world. Our policy is the highest quality standards and impeccable premium taste. Enjoy alveus® tea – enjoy relaxation for body and soul.
It’s simple
Our biomine mixtures have intoxicating the taste, but do not contain fading substances THC. The organic hemp, which is used here, has enough active ingredients that make us freer and happier. Relaxed sensations were due to the presence of lavender flowers. New hemp mixes are a unique opportunity to open a new tea.
A mixture of cannabis content. Huge hemp fraction and roebus (without caffeine / tea). Chamomile, Lavender and Fennel weigh in harmony. This is a good package for refreshing sleep.
You will receive 100 g of non aromatic, free tea.
Ingredients: Cannabis leaves *, Green rooibos *, Fennel *, Chamomile *, Ginger *, Anis *, Cleaning Moring *, Lavender *, Rose petals *.
* Organic cultivation is controlled.